Quick round-up of giallo related news since the last update:
- Fin de Siecle has finally released their great looking DVD of Romolo Guerrieri's Il Dolce corpo di Deborah. Make sure you support them and buy it. You can order it here (and make sure you pick up the soundtrack for Omicidio per Vocazione while you're at it)

- My favourite release of 2009 however is Shameless release of Footprints that was mentioned in the previous post. The DVD turned out just as great as I hoped and I'm very pleased to finally have this excellent film on DVD. Make sure you pick this one up as well.
- One that has been releases before but that I've supplied scans for is Neo Publishing's Lo Strano vizio della Signora Wardh DVD. I've also supplied scans for a few other upcoming releases (but since I'm not sure if the scans will be used or not I'll hold off mentioning them for now)
Hopefully we'll see more great giallo relases in 2010! There are still quite a few great titles that haven't been released on DVD anywhere yet.
I'm getting rid of some of my doubles that I've got laying around, so if you're interested in any of the posters below just send me an email. I'll either sell them (prices from about 15€ and up) or possibly trade them for giallo locandine that I haven't got. Most of the posters below are the ones that have been posted on the blog, but I'm happy to send more on the individual posters.
The posters up for sale are:
Shadow of Death
The Card Player
Knife of Ice
In the Eye of the Hurricane
The Iguana with a Tounge of Fire
Hatchet for the Honeymoon
Naked Girl Killed in the Park
The Weapon, the Hour & the Motive
Double Face
Shadow of Death
The Card Player
Knife of Ice
In the Eye of the Hurricane
The Iguana with a Tounge of Fire
Hatchet for the Honeymoon
Naked Girl Killed in the Park
The Weapon, the Hour & the Motive
Double Face
Deep Red
Updated 100130: Added Deep Red locandina
Updated 100130: Added Deep Red locandina
Ok, that's it for now. I'll have the next locandina up by New Years Day!