Thursday, June 12, 2008

Passi di morte perduti nel buio (Death Steps in the Dark)

Maurizio Pradeaux's second giallo is something of a missed opportunity. It starts off quite well, but Pradeaux injects too many comedic elements in the film and the end result is less than stellar. Looking forward to Fin de Siècle's upcoming release of Ortolani's soundtrack though. Poster from Studio Paradiso and I love the way they've painted on the undies on the poster.


Anonymous said...

Great locandina. I love this giallo! Thank for the link too.

Peter said...

Thanks for your comment Emiliano. I really like your site. I wish my Italian was a bit better so that I could read all the reviews and bios. At the moment, I have to settle by admiring the design of the site and the pictures.