Monday, March 30, 2009

Quel ficcanaso dell'Ispettore Lawrence (The Killer with a Thousand Eyes)

As you can probably tell from the poster art, Juan Bosch's Quel ficcanaso dell'Ispettore Lawrence is a poliziesco/giallo hybrid. Unfortunately it's not a particularly successful one. Anthony Steffen (who also co-wrote the script) stars as a special agent sent to Lisabon to solve the murder of one of his collegues. There are a handful of murder scenes that could appeal the giallo fans, but overall the film focuses far more on police procedure and the poorly staged fight scenes. Like the poster art though, but unfortunately I've got no info on the artist.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

I'm back from my well deserved vacation and it's time to start posting some locandine again. Most of the posters I mentioned in my last post has arrived, but due to the incompetence of a certain international courier I'm still waiting for a few of them. Not to worry though, I've got enough unpublished ones to keep us going until they show up.

Before I get started posting else, I want to send a big thanks to Mirko from the excellent
Marisa Mell Blog. Mirko has been kind enough to award Giallo Locandine with a Premio Dardo Award.
I feel honored that somebody enjoy the blog enough to even consider it for the award. For those who aren't familiar with with the Premio Dardos, it's an award given by bloggers to blogs you appreciate. When you recieve the award, you pass it along to other bloggers that you appreciate. I hope to do this in the near future.
Make sure you check out Mirko's blog where you'll find all the info you ever need on Marisa. It's a must for those who enjoy her work and let's face it, is there anybody reading this that doesn't?

I'll leave you with the alternate poster for Harald Philipp's La Morte bussa due volte which has just been added to the original post.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sorry about the lack of updates lately! It's been more than a month since I last posted anything and I even managed to miss Giallo Locandines first anniversary during that time, so I thought I'd better post something to let you know that the blog isn't dead. I haven't been completely idle during this hiatus though. Over the last few weeks I've been fortunate to find quite a few posters that have been high up on my want list. In a couple of weeks or so the new posters should all have arrived and with any luck I've had time to photograph them, write some comments and start posting again. Hope to see you back here then.

To make sure there's at least something new to look at while you wait for the upcoming posters, I've posted the alternate poster for Ferdinando Baldi's
Nove ospiti per un delitto/Un Urlo nella notte.